Foreign Language Teaching System
Improve English language teaching.
Foreign Language Teaching System
Improve English language teaching.
Foreign Language Teaching System.
It is a modern and comprehensive solution supporting universities in the process of education. It allows students to develop comprehensive communication skills in English. It has an extensive database of exercises and multimedia materials. The modern and attractive interface is accessible from a smartphone, tablet and computer.

Want to learn more about our solutions?
Explore the functionalities of the Foreign Language Learning System.
Increase the effectiveness of teaching by using a modern e-learning platform. Get full support in the English language teaching process.
• Arrange lessons using a variety of activities and materials.
• Prepare review tests and exams.
• Build curricula for any field of study.
• Use the available database of ready-made teaching materials.
• Organize language groups based on a placement test.

• Assign courses and training to the subject and make them available.
• Manage access to training and materials.
• Conduct online classes using communication tools.
• Post and publish news in the language being taught.
• Announce information about class dates on the calendar.
• Share exercises for pronunciation and vocabulary learning.
• Conduct secure online exams.
• Encourage systematic work and report results.
• Use automatic notification mechanisms.
• Share feedback, learning outcomes, and assessments.
• Stay in constant online contact with students.
• Enable setting and realization of individual goals.

• Keep checking in on student activities and performance.
• Use tests to verify learning progress.
•Create reports and analysis and control the learning process.
• View grades and assess student performance in the grade panel.
Use ready-made exercises for different levels of language proficiency.
Make the process of learning English more attractive by using multimedia materials:
• Level A1– 120 h
• Level A2– 120 h
• Level B1 – 140 h
• Level B2 – 160 h
• Level C1 – 180 h
Use additional teaching tools:
• 60 videos of cultural content for levels A1-A2.
• 60 videos of cultural content for level B+.
• 51 grammar video lessons for all levels.
• 37 vocabulary video lessons for all levels.

Why Asseco Foreign Language Learning System?
Innovative teaching tool
Constant online access to the system
Full lecturer and student support
Large database of ready-made materials and exercises
Automation of learning processes
Data security and confidentiality
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