Uczelnia 3.0

by Asseco

Kompleksowy system dla małych,
średnich i dużych uczelni.

University 3.0

by Asseco

A comprehensive system for
small, medium and large

Poznaj najlepsze oprogramowanie
dla uczelni wyższych.

University 3.0 by Asseco is a suite of modern IT systems for higher education, which can be easily adapted to the needs of your university.

It provides a comprehensive set of administrative process management tools and solutions to support education, candidate recruitment, and career development for students and graduates. It is ideal for both small and large universities.

Choose University 3.0 by Asseco and reap the benefits:


You select modules based on the needs of your university.

24/7 Access

You operate the system from a web browser.


You gain a high level of data security.


You provide integration with Office365 and CAS/AD authorization services.


You increase the accessibility of your content by complying with the WCAG standard.


You choose your deployment model – cloud-based or based on university infrastructure.


You receive an additional training suite for your university.


You use the interface in Polish and English.

Want to learn more about our solutions?

Build a student-friendly university.

Invest in personalized solutions.

Modern teaching.

Support for teaching processes for higher education.

Choose innovative education solutions and focus on effective and modern student teaching. Provide them with the latest technology to make learning more interesting and effective.

Admissions and development.

Support for university environment processes.

Gain the tools to successfully recruit college applicants. Take advantage of the best solutions on the market to support students at every stage of their education and graduates at the beginning of their careers.

Effective management.

Support for administrative and management processes.

Explore the power of systems that will allow you to effectively manage, streamline and expedite administrative processes at the university with effective and proven IT solutions.

Want to learn more about our solutions?

They trusted us:


Dlaczego Asseco?

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Wspólnie działamy na rzecz uczelni.

Zyskujesz wsparcie zaufanego, polskiego partnera, który od lat wspiera rozwój uczelni.

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Słuchamy naszych partnerów.

Otrzymujesz kompleksowe oprogramowanie odpowiadające na potrzeby szkół wyższych.

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Zwiększasz dostępność treści,
dzięki zgodności ze standardem

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Dajemy gwarancję i bezpieczeństwo.

Zyskujesz pewność i gwarancję jakości
usług, zapewnionych przez lidera

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Dzielimy się wiedzą

Czerpiesz z wiedzy zdobytej
w ponad 100 projektach
realizowanych z uczelniami.

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Rozumiemy potrzeby szkół wyższych.

Korzystasz z najlepszych na rynku
rozwiązań i doświadczenia
ekspertów Asseco.

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Dbamy o zgodność z przepisami.

Zachowujesz pełną zgodność
z aktualnie obowiązującymi
regulacjami i normami.

Choose Asseco, the leader in solutions for universities in Poland.


educational institutions
in Poland




millions users
of educational systems


thousands Asseco